Installation Guide

This guide and the complete open source code is available on Github at

A priority of Raytha is to keep the technology footprint small for getting up and running as quickly as possible. However, you do need the minimum requirements listed below:

  • .NET 6+
  • npm for compiling javascript
  • SQL Server Express
  • SMTP
  • Visual Studio 2022 or VS Code. All tutorials will assume Visual Studio.

The steps to run Raytha locally are that of any typical .NET application.

1. Clone this repository into your local directory.

git clone
2. Ensure your appsettings.config has a valid database connection string and SMTP credentials. If you do not have access to an SMTP server for local development, check out Papercut-SMTP. Super convenient.

3. Make sure Raytha.Web is set as the Default Project. Open the Package Manager Console and run Entity Framework database migrations:

dotnet ef database update --project .\src\Raytha.Infrastructure --startup-project .\src\Raytha.Web
Alternatively you can create your database manually and then run the FreshCreateOnLatestVersion.sql script in the /db directory.

4. Compile and run. If everything works, the first screen you see will be an Initial Setup screen. Complete the details and you are good to go.

By default, it will use local file system and use the directory specified in appsettings.config. You can adjust the appsettings.config if you have access to Azure Blob or an S3 compatible storage.