
Content Types

Effortlessly create and customize content types, no code changes required.

Role Based Access Control

Design customized roles with specific access permissions and assign them to individual users.

Template Engine

Easily modify templates within the platform using the popular Liquid templating engine.


Instant access to a REST API based on your content, automatically generated for you.

Audit Logs

Built-in audit trail that tracks all edits made for enhanced security.

Single Sign On

SAML and Json Web Token authentication are available out of the box for both administrators and public users.


Revisions of all content and templates are stored, enabling you to go back and revert to a previous version if needed.

File Storage

The platform supports local file storage by default, but cloud storage options such as Azure Blob or S3-Compatible can be enabled if desired.

Tech Stack

MIT Open Source License

Open source and transparent: MIT licensed codebase fully available on Github and free forever.

.NET 8

Built with love on the modern and fast .NET stack which runs on both Windows and Linux.


The Raytha Template Engine is powered by the Liquid syntax, made popular by Shopify.


The automatic REST API comes with the Swagger/OpenAPI spec that we all come to expect.

SQL Server

.NET developers will feel right at home with SQL Server and Entity Framework Core (with a touch of Dapper).

Clean Architecture

Raytha follows the well known and documented Clean Architecture pattern.