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Create or modify a custom content type

Real power comes from creating your own custom content types by defining your own fields and relationships between content types.

When you start a Raytha website, it's essentially a blank canvas with only a few basic content types - Pages and Posts - available. However, you can easily expand on these content types or create your own custom ones to better suit your needs.

To create a custom content type, go to the left side navigation and click New Content Type. On the form that appears, you can give your content type a label (both singular and plural versions), a developer name (which cannot be changed later and is used in various places like templates and code), and a default route template (which determines the URL of individual content items when accessed publicly). You can also add an optional description if desired.

Screenshot of New Content Type screen

Modify the content type fields

After you create a new content type, it will automatically include a Published List View and create Title and Content fields for it. To modify the fields for an existing content type, go to the top tab and click Settings followed by Fields, then click Create field to add a new field. You can choose from a variety of field types, including single line text, long text, radio buttons, dropdown menus, checkboxes, multiple select lists, dates, numbers, attachments, and one-to-one relationships.
Animation of creating a field

Reorder fields

You can also reorder the fields on the Create and Edit forms by clicking Reorder fields on the fields list view and dragging and dropping them into the desired order.
Animation of reordering fields

Setting the Primary Field

Additionally, you can set a Primary Field for your content type by going to Settings and Configuration in the top tab, selecting a single line text field from the Primary Field dropdown, and clicking Save changes.

Screenshot showing where to update the Primary Field

The Primary Field is used to represent the name of the content item in templates, code, and when searching for content items on a one-to-one relationship field.

Animation searching by primary field name on one-to-one relationship field

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