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What is Raytha? A brief intro into what Raytha does and how you should approach the platform.

What is Raytha?

Raytha is a content management system that enables system administrators and software developers to quickly launch websites and applications. It is an open-source platform designed to be user-friendly, lightweight, and customizable, while also allowing developers to extend its functionality. Some would describe it as a "Rapid Application Development Framework".

Managing content within Raytha is straightforward, even for casual users or system administrators. However, some knowledge of HTML may be necessary for creating templates, so it may be helpful to involve a tech-savvy front-end developer in that process.

Topics covered in this user guide describe all of the functionality that you can perform completely out of the box with Raytha. The goal is for you to get familiar with the power at your fingertips just from within the platform. More advanced engineering topics, such as installation, deployment, and building on top of Raytha as a software developer would be in the developer documentation.

As you go through this guide, keep in mind that itself is built on the Raytha platform. If you get stuck or have questions, feel free to post in the community forums on Github.

In this guide:

  • Managing admin accounts and role-based access control.
  • Configuring system wide settings.
  • Enabling different kinds of authentication mechanisms as well as setting up a SAML or JWT-based login.
  • Overriding the default SMTP credentials set by the server administrator.
  • Setting a content item as the home page.
  • Creating, updating, and deleting content items.
  • Publishing a list view.
  • Restoring deleted content items.
  • Creating new or modifying existing content types.
  • Public user management.
  • Setting up user groups and utilizing them with templates to have conditional public page access.
  • How Liquid templates work in Raytha.
  • Understanding the built-in web templates.
  • Modifying the built-in email templates.
  • View the audit logs.

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