Organization name, time zone, date format, reply-to email address, and override default SMTP settings.
Manage system wide configuration
To access and update your system-wide settings, go to the left side navigation and click on the Settings option. From the Settings menu, select the Configuration option.
On the Configuration screen, you can update the following settings:
Organization Name: the name of your organization
Website URL: the URL of your organization's website
System time zone: the time zone that the system should use
Date format: the format that dates should be displayed in
These settings can also be accessed and modified using the CurrentOrganization variable in Liquid Templates, as described in a later article of this user guide.
In addition to the above settings, you can also update the default email settings by changing the reply-to name and email address. These are used when automated emails, such as welcome emails and password reset emails, are sent from Raytha.