Email and password, login by magic link, or configure SAML and Json Web Token based single sign on.
Add additional administrator accounts and configure granular role based access controls (RBAC).
Organization name, time zone, date format, reply-to email address, and override default SMTP settings.
Manage your dynamic content items by creating, updating, or deleting individual posts.
Real power comes from creating your own custom content types by defining your own fields and relationships between content types.
Download a report to CSV of the view's current columns or all columns on the content item.
Provide a CSV file to bulk import content items for a content type.
Understand how list views work and how they impact your public facing website.
Recover an item from the trash bin if it was deleted in error.
Choose which content item among all of your content types that serves as the default home page.
Manage public users, reset passwords, suspend user access.
Show or hide website content to different public users based on the user groups they may be a part of.
Get started with the basics of building a template using HTML and Liquid.
Create and maintain navigation menus that can be used in templates
Default email templates are provided for account management such as forgot password and magic link emails, etc.
Raytha comes with public account management such as login, change password, forgot password, etc.